National Alliance For Drug Endangered Children

Help. Hope. Support.

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Support DEC Efforts

Millions of children and families are affected by parent or caregiver legal or illegal substance misuse. National DEC’s mission, vision and values are focused on providing real help, hope and support. As a trauma-informed organization we realize the widespread impact of trauma and understand there are many paths to recovery depending on each situation. We train our staff, DEC alliances and partners to recognize the signs and symptoms of substance misuse related trauma, then respond appropriately. Then, we work diligently to reduce stigma related to receiving services or treatment and take steps to avoid re-traumatization. You can make a difference by supporting expanding DEC efforts nationwide.

Your ideas, support, and strengths help make a difference in the lives of children who are living in dangerous drug environments.


The National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children teaches early identification, response and appropriate intervention services to children and families affected by parental or caregiver substance misuse. We equip comprehensive, multidisciplinary alliances, communities, organizations and individuals with access to our national resource center, trainings and technical assistance.

“We have been experiencing cross-discipline cooperation that traditionally didn’t work in our area. Using a child-first approach has opened many ideas and gained buy-in from community leadership in key areas to really effect change in Vigo County. Our Alliance is young, but gaining momentum already!”  – Michael Rentfro, Vigo County, Indiana Alliance for Drug Endangered Children


Our vision is 100% healthy, safe children, families and communities free from the negative impact of substance misuse and drug activity.


  • Integrity
  • Truth
  • Ethics
  • Collaboration
  • Excellence
  • Financial Stability
  • Making A Difference
  • Reliability
  • Respect
  • Community

Drug Endangered Children Definition:

The National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children defines drug endangered children as children who are at risk of suffering physical or emotional harm as a result of legal and/or illegal drug use, possession, manufacturing, cultivation, or distribution. They may also be children whose caretaker’s legal and/or illegal substance misuse interferes with the caretaker’s ability to parent and provide a safe and nurturing environment.

There are several ways you can support DEC efforts and positively impact children and families, offering a futures’ free from the grip of legal or illegal substance misuse.

Make your one time, or monthly donation:

Do you use Did you know that by clicking on the Amazon Smile button you can shop on and Amazon will donate 0.5% of your total qualified purchases to support National DEC’s mission?

Make a donation to build our endowment, providing on-going support for DEC Alliances that identify, intervene appropriately and provide services for children and families.

Want to designate your gift for a specific program or service we offer, or provide a bequest or legacy gift?

Please contact us at [email protected]