U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children’s Bureau – 2012
This report summarizes grant activity initiated by the Child and Family Services Improvement Act of 2006, which is designed to address the impact of parental methamphetamine and other substance abuse on the child welfare system, particularly out-of-home placement. Grantees are required to target services to substance-abusing families with children in (or at risk for) foster care. Activities include substance abuse treatment, services for children and youth, support for parents and families, and program improvement and collaborative initiatives. Report describes regional partnership grants awarded to enhance collaboration among local government, the private sector, courts, tribes, child welfare agencies, and treatment and mental health service providers. Summarizes accomplishments such as cross-system training and information sharing, implementation of family drug treatment courts, improved screening and assessment, increased access to treatment, early intervention, parenting skills education, and improved cultural sensitivity. Describes data collection and performance indicator measurement. Appendix includes description of each grant-funded program, organized by state.