Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – 2013
A summary of survey data on the use of illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco among individuals 12 years of age and older in the U.S. Presents a summary of the NSDUH and describes how data is collected. Chapter on illicit drug use includes marijuana and the non-medical use of prescription medications. Reports that marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug, followed by prescription drugs. Reports that 5.9% of pregnant women are illicit drug users. The majority of prescription pain medicine users obtain them for free from a friend or relative. Chapter on alcohol use notes that among pregnant women, 8.5% report alcohol use, 2.7% report binge drinking, and 0.3% report heavy drinking. Chapter on tobacco use notes that 15.9% of pregnant women report cigarette smoking. Also includes chapters on the initiation of substance use among young people and youth prevention-related measures. Contains data on substance dependence/abuse and treatment, noting that marijuana is the drug with the largest number of users experiencing dependence or abuse, followed by prescription pain relievers. A total of 4 million people receive some form of substance abuse treatment, with alcohol as the substance for which the most treatment is received. A majority of substance users report not feeling a need for treatment, while many who identify a need cite an inability to pay for it. Identifies and discusses substance use trends among different age groups. Appendix includes detailed survey information and additional data tables.