Oregon Alcohol and Drug Policy Commission – 2020
This report presents Oregon’s strategic plan for 2020-2025 for a comprehensive, statewide system where substance misuse policies, investments, and efforts support healthy Oregonians and thriving communities. The plan seeks to identify processes and resources to create, track, and report on strategies for systems integration, innovation, and policy development; strategies to reduce Oregon’s substance use disorder (SUD) rate, including preventing SUD and promoting recovery; and strategies to reduce morbidity and mortality related to SUD. Following an introduction that outlines the approaches and principles of the plan and answers key questions about the plan, Section 1 discusses the implementation of a coordinated State system, reviews the vision, mission, values, and approach of the plan, and identifies State system partners. Section 2 describes the ultimate health, social, and economic impacts that will be achieved in the next five years through the implementation of the plan. These impacts include: reduce SUD and promote recovery, reduce Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD)- related deaths, reduce ATOD-related health disparities, and reduce the economic burden of substance misuse in Oregon. Each impact includes a dashboard of measures and associated data sources that will be tracked and publicly reported on an ongoing basis to monitor progress toward the goals and objectives. The final section explains the objectives, outcomes, strategies, and activities of the plan for reaching four goals. The goals include: implement a statewide system that ensures that substance misuse policies, practices, investments, and efforts are effective and result in healthy and thriving individuals and communities; increase the impact of substance misuse prevention strategies across the lifespan; increase rapid access to effective SUD treatment across the lifespan; and increase access to recovery supports across the lifespan. Numerous references.