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KIDS COUNT data book 2012: State trends in child well-being

Annie E. Casey Foundation – 2012

A compilation of state data that tracks the well-being of children across four indicator domains: economic, education, health, and family and community. Introduction summarizes trends discussed in the report and notes the importance of family economic security, nurturing parents, and good communities in child success and well-being. Overall national trends show improvements in health and education, but setbacks in economic well-being and family and community. Report presents state rankings and key statistics on overall child well-being, economic well-being, education, health, and family and community. Discusses implications of data on risk factors such as poverty, low-birthweight babies, child/youth death rates, teen alcohol and drug abuse, single parent households, and teenage pregnancy. Reports that area of greatest concern is the decline in economic well-being for families and children caused by the recession, and notes the importance of addressing racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in child well-being.