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Results from the 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Summary of national findings

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – 2012

A summary of findings on illicit drug, alcohol, and tobacco use in the U.S. from the 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). Section on illicit drugs notes that marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug, followed by nonmedical use of psychotherapeutic medications. Includes data on illicit drug use by pregnant women, noting that 5% report current drug use, with higher rates for younger pregnant women. Section on alcohol use includes data on alcohol use by pregnant women, with over 9% reporting current alcohol use. Data on tobacco use among pregnant women shows that over 17% of pregnant women report cigarette smoking during pregnancy. Includes a section on initiation of substance use, noting that a majority report marijuana as their first drug, followed by nonmedical use of pain relievers. Section on youth prevention discusses such factors as perceived risk of substance use, parental disapproval and involvement, peer pressure, and public awareness messages. Section on substance dependence, abuse, and treatment reports that marijuana is the illicit drug with the highest rates of dependence or abuse, followed by prescription pain relievers. Treatment data shows that alcohol is the most common substance for which treatment is received. Report also includes a discussion of youth substance use trends, noting increases in youth marijuana and heroin use, and declines in other substance categories. Appendix includes details on survey methodology and data tables.