National Alliance For Drug Endangered Children

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Overview of the Prevention and Family Recovery Initiative

Children and Family Futures – 2017

This brief provides an overview of the Prevention and Family Recovery (PFR) initiative that is designed to help build the capacity of family drug courts and their partners to provide a more comprehensive family-centered approach that strengthens the parent-child relationship to improve parent, child, and family well-being. It explains that in April 2014, with support from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and The Duke Endowment, Children and Family Futures (CFF) awarded three-year PFR grants to four established FDCs to implement and integrate evidence-based parenting programs and children’s developmental and therapeutic services into their existing FDC systems of care. In addition to direct financial support, the grantees received intensive technical assistance, training, and coaching through a dedicated Change Team, as well as issue-specific consultation from a PFR National Advisory Council of experts. Information is provided on PFR goals, the use of a realist evaluation approach that focuses on understanding evidence-based program implementation and integration in the grantees’ communities, and characteristics of the first round of PFR grantees. Selected major areas of need are highlighted, as well as efforts to expand the PFR initiative. 5 references. (Author abstract modified)