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Is There an Effective Practice Model for Serving Crossover Youth?

Casey Family Programs – 2018

This brief explains youth involved in both the child welfare and juvenile justice systems require a special level of focus because their involvement in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems is associated with higher risks for: mental health, educational, and vocational challenges; higher rates of recidivism; longer stays in detention; and poorer placement stability and permanency outcomes. Facts about crossover youth are shared that indicate: 92% of crossover youth are first involved in the child welfare system; 40% of crossover youth are female; maltreated youth are at a higher risk for becoming involved in delinquency than other youth; 56% of crossover youth are African American; and 83% of crossover youth have challenges with mental health or substance abuse. The Crossover Youth Practice Model (CYPM) is then described for making systemic changes that involve youth-serving systems. Goals, values, principles, and themes of the CYPM are reviewed, as well as the three phases of the model. Finally, evidence to support the CYPM is provided and indicates the positive impact of the model. Links are included to examples of jurisdictional experiences, outcomes, and lessons learned in using the CYPM model. 13 references.