U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service, Division of Behavioral Health, Office of Clinical and Preventive Services – 2011
Discusses behavioral health problems in Indian Country, with emphasis on substance abuse, mental health, suicide, violence, and behavior-related diseases. Presents a history of efforts designed to address alcohol and other substance abuse and mental health issues in Indian Country. Provides an overview of current behavioral health initiatives, including those that focus on such issues as child protection, methamphetamine and suicide prevention, and domestic violence prevention. Presents detailed data on the following behavioral health issues affecting Native communities: alcohol abuse (including prenatal exposure), drug abuse (particularly meth and prescription drugs), mental health disorders, suicide, violence (particularly domestic and sexual violence), and behavior-related chronic diseases. Discusses the current state of behavioral health financing for tribal communities. Summarizes behavioral health initiatives implemented in each Indian Health Service Area. IHS Area sections include profiles of the tribes and states covered, overviews of behavioral health efforts and resources, and spotlights of successful programs.