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National drug control strategy 2011

Office of National Drug Control Policy, Executive Office of the President of the United States – 2011

The second drug control strategy of the Obama administration. Presents background on the problem of drug use and associated problems in the U.S. and outlines a series of policy initiatives to address the issue. Policy priorities are prescription drug abuse, drugged driving, and prevention. Special populations addressed are youth, women and families, and military/veterans and their families. Describes the importance of prevention efforts and media awareness campaigns that target young people. Presents facts on the dangers of marijuana use, including “medical” marijuana. Advocates for early substance abuse intervention in the health, education, and child welfare systems. Discusses the need for prescription drug monitoring. Describes how substance abuse treatment should be integrated into health care and family programs. Addresses the control of drug crime, including the use of drug courts and treatment for female offenders with children. Also notes need to address substance abuse and drug crime among military/veterans and Native Americans. Describes the importance of recovery support services. Includes law enforcement initiatives that target domestic drug trafficking and production, emphasizing Indian Country and the Mexican border regions. Outlines control efforts for methamphetamine production, prescription drug diversion, marijuana on public lands, and drug gangs/illicit financing. Discusses the need to address drug endangered children with a multidisciplinary approach. Notes the importance of strengthening international drug control partnerships and improving data collection and analysis.