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Trauma informed care for children exposed to violence: Tips for agencies working with immigrant families

Safe Start Center; Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention – 2011

A fact sheet on children’s exposure to violence for professionals who work with immigrant families. Discusses the importance of working with children of immigrants and describes the negative impact of childhood trauma and exposure to violence. Breaks down children’s reactions when exposed to violence by the following age groups: young children (5 and younger), school age children (6-12), and teenagers (13-18). Provides suggestions on addressing exposure to violence among immigrant children for agency staff. Recommendations include: screen for children’s exposure to violence and mental health needs, refer families for mental health assessments, conduct individualized interventions that address trauma in both children and families/caregivers, provide culturally specific trauma-informed care and evidence-based interventions, familiarize staff with immigration laws and policies, and increase cultural responsiveness to immigrant families.