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Washington State Directory of Drug Courts and Other Problem Solving Courts. Updated January 28, 2020


In 2009, the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) and the Department of Social and Health Services, Division of Behavioral and Health and Recovery Services (DBHR) identified a need for greater collaboration between agencies with regard to problem solving courts in the state. With the goal of improving coordination and communication with problem solving courts in the state of Washington, AOC and DBHR have created this directory of problem solving courts. The directory provides a timeline of implementation of the problem solving courts in Washington, as well as common definitions provided by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The directory has been organized by county courts with jurisdictions comprising multiple counties have their problem solving courts listed in both counties. There are sub-directories available that have been organized by type of court (all juvenile drug courts, for example). The initial directory provides information for problem solving courts in the states Superior, District and Municipal courts. Tribal courts in Washington will be invited to participate in a supplemental survey about their problem solving courts and their information will be provided as soon as it is available. In addition, three listservs were created as a communication network for problem solving court coordinators, problem solving court judges, and a general list for interested members of problem solving court teams. The lists have been an asset to the problem solving court community and, in the future, are anticipated to not only increase the amount of communication between courts but also to increase information sharing statewide. Both agencies expect that the directory will be used by members of the court and treatment communities, but also by stakeholders. We hope that collaboration will increase among the problem solving courts in the state and with their communities.