Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. Department of Justice – 2012
A DEA resource on prescription drug abuse among youth. Presents data on the scope of the problem. Notes that after marijuana, prescription and over-the-counter drugs are the most commonly abused substances among teens and young adults. Includes information on prescription painkiller poisonings and overdoses. Also includes data on emergency room visits and drugged driving. Presents information on the most common types of drugs of abuse: narcotics, stimulants, depressants, anabolic steroids, and over-the-counter cough medications. Sections for each drug type includes basic information on uses, forms, adverse effects, and overdose symptoms. Also provides detailed information on the different forms of each drug type, including brand and slang names. Describes how the drugs are abused and how teens may obtain them. Each section also contains pictures of the different dose size tablets for the individual drugs. Explains how teens obtain drugs on the Internet. Provides prevention advice for parents, noting that a majority of youth obtain prescription drugs from family and friends. Also cites data showing that parents are increasingly misusing prescription drugs themselves. Advocates for the safeguarding of medicines in the home and the utilization of medicine take-back programs.