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Ohio Did Not Ensure the Accuracy and Completeness of Psychotropic and Opioid Medication Information Recorded in Its Child Welfare Information System for Children in Foster Care

Grimm, Christi A – 2020

This federal report shares findings from an investigation that sought to determine whether Ohio complied with State requirements related to the psychotropic and opioid medications prescribed for children in foster care who were eligible for assistance under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act. For the audit, the Medicaid claims data, Ohio’s Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System (Ohio SACWIS), and the case files of 70 children who were prescribed psychotropic medications and 30 children who were prescribed opioid medications during calendar year 2017 were reviewed to identify the psychotropic and opioid medications prescribed for the children. Findings indicate Ohio did not always comply with State requirements related to the psychotropic and opioid medications prescribed for children in foster care who were eligible for assistance under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act. The investigation found that for 61 case records, the medications listed in them were not accurately documented in the Ohio SACWIS. Additionally, psychotropic medications prescribed for children in foster care were not always correctly identified as psychotropic in the Ohio SACWIS because the medication list in the Ohio SACWIS had not been updated, and the county agency workers were authorized to manually enter medication in the Ohio SACWIS. Recommendations are made and actions Ohio will take to address the recommendations are described. 15 references. (Author abstract modified)