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National drug control strategy 2012

Office of National Drug Control Policy, Executive Office of the President of the United States – 2012

Presents the Obama administration’s latest drug control strategy. Describes the importance of prevention efforts, particularly in the area of youth drug use, noting increased use of illicit drugs (especially marijuana) among young people. Discusses the value of early intervention efforts in health care settings, particularly the screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) approach, including the use of SBIRT for prenatal substance use. Describes the value of integrating substance abuse treatment into the broader health care system. Discusses the problem of drug offenders in the criminal justice system and describes innovative approaches used to address the issue, such as drug courts, services for veterans, and community reentry programs. Reports on law enforcement efforts to combat drug trafficking and production, such as border security, cooperation between federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies, and a focus on methamphetamine production and marijuana cultivation. Also notes efforts to combat the growing synthetic drugs threat, particularly bath salts and K2/Spice. Describes the importance of strengthening international partnerships to disrupt the transnational drug trade and reduce drug supply to the U.S. Also notes the importance of strengthening federal drug information and data systems. Includes policy sections on reducing drugged driving and preventing prescription drug abuse.