Pilnik, L. and Kendall, J.R. – 2012
An overview of child abuse and neglect for advocates and service providers. Presents statistics on child maltreatment and victimization. Provides definitions of physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, substantiated abuse or neglect, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, mandated reporter, child fatality, and child protective services. Outlines the impact of trauma caused by abuse, neglect, and exposure to violence on child victims, broken into the age ranges of 5 and younger, 6-11, and 12-17 years of age. Discusses family risk factors, such as substance abuse. Describes the impact of physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, and sexual exploitation on children. Discusses the importance of multidisciplinary teams in the effective response to child maltreatment. Such teams include law enforcement, child protective services, prosecutors, and health and mental health professionals. Outlines the main functions of multidisciplinary teams. Describes the roles played by such organizations as children’s advocacy centers, child fatality review teams, court appointed special advocates, and kids’ court programs. Notes some cultural issues and barriers to reporting and accessing services.