Young, Nancy K.;Breitenbucher, Phil.;Pfeifer, Jane E. – 2015
This federally funded report provides a blueprint for implementing evidence-based practices in family drug court services. It synthesizes the results of a national review of family drug court (FDC) policies and practices and relevant research literature and provides recommendations that can be used by States to develop their own recommendations and by local FDCs as a tool for courts and administrative agencies who are beginning an FDC or seek to improve their operations. The report provides the description of each recommendation, the supporting evidence, and examples of effective strategies on how that recommendation can be implemented. The guidance also provides a common vocabulary to begin the collaborative effort to implement an FDC, including specific direction to maximize collaboration efforts for States. Background information is provided on the creation of the recommendations and evidence-informed practices. The 10 recommendations include: create shared mission and vision, develop interagency partnerships, create effective communication protocols for sharing information, ensure interdisciplinary knowledge, develop protocols for early identification and assessment, address the needs of parents, address the needs of children, garner community support, implement funding and sustainability strategies, and evaluate for shared outcomes and accountability. Appendices include information on compliance with the Indian Child Welfare Act, steps for generating the collaborative structures for developing State guidelines, a facilitator’s guide, and a checklist on specific evidence-informed practices. Numerous references.