The Meth Project – 2011
An examination of the attitudes and perceptions of teenagers in Colorado about methamphetamine use. Presents results of a telephone survey of over 600 youth in the state. Teens perceive meth as significantly more difficult to obtain than marijuana. A large majority report a perceived sense of danger about taking meth. Many teens are aware of the risks of meth use and cite concern over negative consequences such as addiction, tooth decay, brain damage, and loss of self control. A very small percentage of teens cite positive effects of meth. Over 90% of teens disapprove of meth use, as compared to a near 50% disapproval rate for marijuana. A small percentage of teens report meth use by themselves, friends, or family members. A majority report discussions about meth with parents. Many report learning about meth on the Internet. Nearly 100% of teens report seeing anti-meth public awareness ads, including those produced by the Colorado Meth Project. Appendix includes a copy of the survey.