U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children’s Bureau – 2011
A compilation of national and state statistics on child abuse and neglect from the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS). Includes chapters on the filing of child maltreatment reports, child characteristics, child fatalities, perpetrator characteristics, child services, and information on research and programs related to child maltreatment. Summary of key findings notes that in 2010 nearly 6 million children were involved in CPS referrals. Victimization was highest in the birth to one year age group. Neglect accounted for over 75% of cases. Nearly 80% of child fatalities were under four years of age, with 8% involving caregiver alcohol abuse and 15.7% involving caregiver drug abuse. Over 80% of perpetrators were parents. Caregiver risk factors include domestic violence and substance abuse, with 11% of victims experiencing caregiver alcohol abuse and 18% of victims experiencing caregiver drug abuse. Appendices include extensive supplementary materials.