U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau – 2011
A statistical report on the health status and services needs of children in the United States. Presents data on general child population characteristics, including poverty, adoption, rural/urban children, education, homelessness, and maternal age. Child health status data for infants includes such topics as low birth weight, preterm birth, and infant mortality. Health data for older children includes vaccines, diseases, hospitalizations, and child abuse/neglect and child mortality statistics. Data for adolescents covers a variety of areas, including sexual activity/childbearing, education, physical activity/obesity, mental health/suicide, cigarette smoking, and substance abuse (including alcohol, marijuana, and other illicit drugs). Report includes data on children’s health care financing and insurance, vaccinations, mental health treatment, dental care, emergency department utilization, and prenatal care. Also includes a state data section.