Denby, R.W. – 2012
A survey of Nevada child maltreatment data. Presents a general overview of child maltreatment, including definitions of different types of abuse and neglect, as outlined by federal and state laws. Notes that in most states neglect includes elements of substance abuse, including prenatal exposure, drug manufacturing and other illicit drug activity in the presence of a child, giving drugs or alcohol to a child, and impaired caregiving due to substance abuse. Lists correlates of child maltreatment, including poverty and economic conditions, parental mental health, and substance abuse. Notes that child neglect is strongly associated with substance abuse, and discusses how parental substance abuse is connected to child maltreatment (including child fatalities) and child welfare involvement. Also includes text from Nevada’s substance exposed infants statute. Summarizes child maltreatment data for the state of Nevada, noting the prevalence of child neglect. Notes that Nevada has a higher rate of physical abuse than the national average. Also includes data on race/ethnicity and foster care placements. Summarizes the consequences of different types of child abuse and neglect. Lists effective child welfare interventions, particularly family engagement strategies. Includes lists of child welfare resources and references for further information.