Young, M.B., Perham-Hester, K.A., and Kemberling, M.M. – 2011
Data on issues affecting Native women’s health before, during, and after pregnancy, as well as preschool age Native children. Provides an overview of the surveillance systems used to collect data on women and children. Includes an overview of general population characteristics for Native women and children. Contains data on reproductive and prenatal health issues. Includes a chapter on prenatal substance abuse. Presents statistics on prenatal use of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs. Notes high rates of prenatal cigarette smoking and smokeless tobacco use (30% and 18% respectively). 10% of Native pregnant women report marijuana use, and nearly 7% report alcohol use. Chapter on maternal health characteristics notes common stressors, including someone close having a substance abuse problem, and physical or emotional abuse by husband/partner. Chapter on infant health includes data on prenatal and infant exposures to environmental tobacco smoke. Section on childhood home environment includes data on such childhood stressors as being away from parents and exposure to violence. Appendix includes a glossary and indicator definitions.