Commission on the Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren; Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs; Massachusetts Office of the Child Advocate; Department of Children and Families; Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services – 2013
Information for grandparents and other kinship caregivers who are raising children who are not in the custody of their parents. Notes that a primary reason for this can be parental drug and alcohol abuse. Outlines the different types of care and custody arrangements, including state involvement in cases of child maltreatment. Includes a sample temporary agent authorization form. Provides information on child care, preschool, after-school, and school programs. Discusses financial issues, including child support and public assistance. Also includes information on legal services, healthcare, and insurance. Includes advice on youth drug abuse prevention. Contains sections on child safety, and mental health and disability services. Includes specific information for the LGBT community and military families and veterans. Concludes with helpful hints by grandparents for grandparents.