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NSCAW II Wave 2 report: Child and caregiver need and receipt of child welfare services post-baseline

Dolan, M., Smith, K., Casanueva, C., and Ringeisen, H. – 2012

A summary of data from 18 month follow-up interviews of child welfare-involved children and families surveyed in the second National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW II). Presents data from the original NSCAW II survey, noting that a majority of the caregivers had service needs, particularly in the areas of mental health, substance abuse, housing, and legal aid. A majority of the children had physical, dental, and mental health service needs. The children and youth had high levels of developmental, behavioral/emotional, and substance abuse needs. Caregivers in the Wave 2 follow-up reported service needs in the areas of financial assistance, mental health, and substance abuse. Caregivers with children in out-of-home placement had greater service needs and were more likely to receive alcohol, drug, and mental health assessments than in-home caregivers. Summarizes data on the types of substance abuse services received by caregivers. Also summarizes data on caregiver family preservation services received. Children in the Wave 2 follow-up had the greatest need for physical, dental, and emotional/behavioral health services. Service needs identified in children and youth include developmental need, risk of behavioral/emotional problems, and risk of a substance abuse problem. Report includes tables containing detailed survey data.